Chartertech makes a real difference in artists lives.
This was the biggest takeaway from our first meeting. We began by working with Chartertech to design a new logo. The logo has since been incorporated into the fabric of the school, as every color represents a major, and the majors have adopted the respective colors as their own.
After speaking with Chartertech’s teachers, administrators and students, we developed the “Because of Chartertech” campaign concept.
“Because of Chartertech” can be seen in all medial outlets, including app advertising, you tube commercials, online advertising, billboards, radio and more.
One of the best opportunities for Chartertech to reach potential students is is their recruitment video.
We produced the recruitment video below that is shown to potential new artists. Allowing the current Chartertech artists to tell their stories directly to younger students considering the pursuit of the arts has proven to be a successful strategy.